AustralianCannonball YouTube channel
Date: 7/13/2011 upload date
The video below goes over the shocking lab radionuclide test results of soil taken from a Tokyo playground which a private Japanese citizen payed for with their own money:
Iodine-131: < 20 becquerels/kg
23663 becquerels/kg
28884 becquerels/kg
For reference, the following chart taken from
Bloomberg shows safe food and water limits set by the Japanese government:
Prescribed safe limits for radioactive Iodine-131:
300 Becquerel per kilogram Drinking water
300 (Bq/kg) Milk, dairy products
2,000 (Bq/kg) Vegetables*
(*Except root vegetables and
Prescribed safe limits for radioactive cesium:
200 Becquerel per kilogram Drinking water
200 (Bq/kg) Milk, dairy products
500 (Bq/kg) Vegetables
500 (Bq/kg) Grains
500 (Bq/kg) Meat, eggs, fish, etc.
Prescribed safe limits for uranium:
20 Becquerel per kilogram Infant foods
20 (Bq/kg) Drinking water
20 (Bq/kg) Milk, dairy products
100 (Bq/kg) Vegetables
100 (Bq/kg) Grains
100 (Bq/kg) Meat, eggs, fish, etc.
Prescribed safe limits for alpha-emitting nuclides of plutonium
and transuranic elements:
1 Becquerel per kilogram Infant foods
1 (Bq/kg) Drinking water
1 (Bq/kg) Milk, dairy products
10 (Bq/kg) Vegetables
10 (Bq/kg) Grains
10 (Bq/kg) Meat, eggs, fish etc.
Further testing will be done on the soil sample at a second lab, for other radionuclides.
Also, the above video illustrates that when placing a personal dosimeter (Geiger counter) right on the ground in Kashiwa, which is 23 km from the center of Tokyo, the measurement is astonishingly high showing a peak of
6.59 μSv/hr (microsieverts/hour). For reference, there is only one personal dosimeter shared on Ustream (that I could find), which consistently shows values in whole numbered μSv/hr. This is the
GM-fukushima Geiger counter, which normally displays the outdoors levels of an open air cafe in Iitate Village, Fukushima Prefecture. This is the closest Geiger counter in the
Live Streaming Radiation Meters collection to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.